Confederate Flag A Sign Of Hate Essay

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Is the Confederate flag a sign of hate? There has been a lot of controversy about whether it should be taken down or stand tall. A sign of hatred for what it was used for. It could resemble what happen in the past of the history between blacks and whites. How the South could be affected by the decisions that were made by the state government. What the reaction of the southerners opinion or perspective of why some feel that they should keep it flying at the State House; and have other having the flag around car license plate, hanging off of houses, wearing clothing with the Confederate flag on it. The Confederate flag seem to be a sign of anything based on what it meant to others. I don’t really know much about this flag; until now but i do have some opinions about this flag. The background of the Confederate flag seems interesting after all, but after hearing about the racist shooting down in South Carolina; June 21, 2015; the 21- year- old Dylann Roof. The …show more content…

All of the history about the flag now is still currently happen. The confederate flag resembles the history of what happened between the blacks and whites. (Zelden says The shootings in Charleston finally made that clear to many whites, “ It took something that shocked the conscience of the legislature and of the state as a whole,” he says, “ They couldn’t ignore the message of hate that so many associate with that flag.”) The reason behind what this means is because the white always thought blacks were slaves and obey what orders white people made. The Confederate flag is a reminder to the black down in the South as a horrible and dark past. But nowadays, they have a law that protects blacks and gives them equal rights called, “Jim Crow laws”. But in the article, A Reminder of the Past, blacks were always known for often being violence and lynching. This can help you understand why whites and blacks have their dark