Confederate Flags Right Or Wrong Symbols Of Southern Culture

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This argument will discuss whether the confederate flags are right or wrong symbols of Southern culture. The Confederate flag was a flag that the southern states used in the Civil War. Now the Southern states say that is their modern culture while the rest of the US says that the flag stands for racial discrimination. In this essay, I will let you read what is the Southern United States’ perspective of the argument. In the next paragraph, is the reasoning behind the argument of the rest of the US against using the Confederate flag. In the third paragraph, is my opinion on the argument based on evidence. In the modern-day South, the people look at the flag as memories from the past. It is now suspended in most southern schools and restaurants, next to the American flag. Southern people say that the flag represents their culture and the peace made to African-Americans and the rest of the South. Some of the Southern States say that it is the symbol for those who fought for what they thought was their right. Slavery and segregation were what the Confederates fought for at the time; it was also morally right. Even though slavery and segregation are now unconstitutional and morally wrong, southern people suspend the …show more content…

After all the Southern states used the same flag when they supported slavery and fought against the Union. To most people, the flag represents racial discrimination supremacism and injustice. To add to that, the recent incident in 2015 states that a mass shooting occurred that targeted African-Americans in Charleston, South Carolina ( After that incident, the South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley removed the Confederate flag. That same week there were a bunch of protesters on that street against the decision of Gov. Haley