
Confessions Of A Black Geek Summary

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In the story Confessions of a Black Geek, it is revealed that a person’s intelligence is not defined by their race or appearance, but rather by their work ethic and natural gifts and everyone should be treated the same no matter what they may look like. Racism has been a problem in our country since forever and it’s still living on today even if it doesn’t seem like it. People don’t even know their own biases inside of them that can sometimes result in racist behavior. Our country needs to learn now. These behaviors can be seen in the story, Confessions of a Black Geek talking about a young girl who is extremely smart and intelligent but is looked down upon by her peers because she is African American. There’s many examples of these racial …show more content…

She stood her ground though even when the principal called her in to try and make her change things (because she was student body president). This can be seen on page 74 and it explains “We were called “reverse racists.” The principal called me into her office and gently asked that as student body president, I lead the charge to amend the petition so that white students could sign it. I declined politely” (Rhuday-Perkovich 74). Her and her friends were trying to start a petition because of something they felt was inappropriate and offensive and they liked that there were allies of different race supporting them during this but they didn’t want them included in the petition because the name of it was “We the black students…” and it should be only the African American students and once everyone heard that, they completely turned on her and her friends calling them “reverse racists” and made a huge deal out of it when it was never meant to do any harm. Would this type of behavior towards them have happened had it been the other way around? Something to think …show more content…

This is shown on page 75 and it is stated, “... then I signed up for my first and only college prep meeting with my guidance counselor. He took one look at my list- Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, and SUNY Binghamton- and smiled a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes as he said, “These schools are kind of a reach for you” (Rhuday-Perkovich 75). This girl is a straight A+ student who takes AP classes and gets better grades than almost every one of her peers yet her own guidance counselor is trying to tell her that she isn’t qualified for these colleges. It's ridiculous and this just goes back to the question earlier, would this behavior have happened had it been a white girl with the same resume?

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