
Confidence Vs Little Knowledge Essay

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As we observe the title, it can be projected that it is a paradox in itself. Confidence and little knowledge are subjects to contradiction here. Confidence can be defined as “The truthfulness or certainty of an idea or belief.” The degree of confidence of a person or a group of people is established on their reliability of evidence, the knowledge they share, and the validity of the source whereas Little Knowledge illustrates constraints and ignorance, and shows that knowledge is limited to an extent. Doubt, however, relies upon or is a result of ambiguity and personal knowledge. It is hence described as “A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.” When we chose to do an action with certainty, the degree of our personal knowledge about …show more content…

It is the view that religious belief depends on faith or revelation, rather than reason, intellect or natural theology. In this respect, it is in direct opposition to the doctrine of Deism. More accurately, it objects to evidentialism, the notion that no belief should be held unless it is supported by evidence. As a result, it holds that theology may include logical contradictions without apology. It may or may not also involve active disparagement of the claims of reason. Fideism teaches that rational or scientific arguments for the existence of God are fallacious and irrelevant, and have nothing to do with the truth of Christian theology because Christian theology teaches that people are saved by faith in the Christian God (i.e. trust in the empirically unprovable) and if the Christian God's existence can be proven, either empirically or logically, then to that extent faith becomes unnecessary or irrelevant. Therefore, if Christian theology is true, no immediate proof of the Christian God's existence is possible. Fideists assert that religious belief is based completely on faith – mystical experience, revelations and humanity’s need for the irrational all justify faith. One of the tenets of Fideism is “It is certain because it is impossible”. In other words, the existence of God or gods and belief in religion cannot be proved by

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