Exploratory Essay Outline

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TO BElieve OR NOT TO BElieve

Tala Al Assir
ENGL 203-Section 7-Ms. Najwa Moukadem.
Monday October 16, 2017
Exploratory Essay 1

Thesis: In the ever-changing fast-forwarded world we live in today, even the most taboo and undisputable matter- Faith- did not make it out unscathed; while some people still believe in the All-Mighty, unique and traditional God, others have decided to question and put to the test this belief, thinking that in today’s modern lifestyle, there are “worthier gods” to worship, while others have utterly taken off the faith cover.

I- Believing in the Unique, All-Mighty God
A. God and religion: Stability in an ever-changing world
a. Guidelines and map
b. Salvation for the after world
c. Encouragement to act well
B. God and religion: Consolation and hope
a. Immutability
b. Opiate of the masses

II- Not believing at all
A. God and religion: against reason
a. Not scientifically proved
b. Wars and ethnocentricity
B. Religion and politics
a. Political strategies
b. God and religion: excuse to gain in power
C. No need for religion and faith to behave well

III- Believing in “worthier new gods”
A. Worshipping political leaders
B. Modern religion: science and technology
a. God for ancient societies
b. No modern rules
C. Worshipping ideals and icons
a. Brands
b. Lifestyles …show more content…

This includes without any doubt Faith in God and Religion. But what is Religion, and what is Faith? Religion is either the service and worship of God, or a principle held to with ardor and faith. However, this definition is not blatant or exclusive. Faith is a choice each of us must make, but it’s a tough one and comes with responsibilities. Therefore, while some embrace the traditional religions they were born in, others reject those completely, yet there are still others who prefer to create their new “worthier”

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