Tera Weldon Explanatory Essay
Comp 1/MWF 10 a.m.
October 23, 2017 Emotional Abuse and The Brain
When discussing emotional abuse, it can be a sensitive topic for most. Survivors of this form of abuse can take years to heal. Emotional Trauma shapes who you are as a person. It affects the brain development (www, psycologytoday.com.) New York University Medical center studies show chronic stress from emotional abuse releases cortisol, a stress hormone that can affect the Hippocampus area of the brain associated with learning and memory (www.phycologytoday.com).
The hippocampus is part of the limbic system--also known as the "emotional brain." Why is this the case? Because it controls most of the involuntary aspects of emotional behavior that are related to survival. These include feelings that fall into the painful categories of fear and anger as well as the more pleasurable ones such as affection. Furthermore, the hippocampus is involved in the processes of learning and memory (http://www.narcissismaddictionsabuse.com/Narcissist-Emotional-Verbal-Abuse-Harm-Brain.html).
Women who’ve been in abusive relationships can suffer from PTSD as well
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And that’s only a few things to list on some of the emotional and verbal abuse that is used or can be used on another human