
Three Types Of Conflict

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Conflict is defined as an interactive state manifested in compatibility, disagreement or difference within or between social entities such as individuals, group, or organization (Tsega, 2000). This implies that conflict is the stage of disharmony between incompatible person and ideas or interests simply a clash. Conflict is an overt behavior that results when an individual or group of individual thinks a perceived needs of individuals has been frustrated or is about to be frustrated. Conflict occurs because individuals have different perception, beliefs and goals (Ritzer, 2008).

Conflict is a common incident and quit frequent in human interaction. It is to be expected in any community with different cultural background or within the same …show more content…

For example, Kinard, (1988), distinguishes between three types of conflict. First, conflict may occur within an individual, which is considered as an intrapersonal conflict. The situations that give rise to such conflict are many. They range from conflicting needs, frustrating situations, failing to achieve aspired goals. Second, conflict may occur between individuals who are brought together in work places or elsewhere. Confrontations between individuals must often occur where they have to compete for limited resources. Such conflict is often termed as interpersonal conflict. Thirdly, conflict may occur at the level of groups. There are several situations that may turn groups into rivals. These include situations where groups have to compete for limited resources such as money, personnel and equipment, or when communication difficulties occur. Groups may also experience confrontations because they promote different interests and goals (Kinard, …show more content…

Her finding indicates that the causes are corruption, shortage of skill man power, partiality on ethnicity and absence of team spirit. According to her finding, use of collaborating, compromising and accommodating techniques were found to be some of the resolution techniques. Mostly they exercise tolerance and forgiveness resolution techniques. Competing is also reported as the second resolution techniques that are disclosed in her study. This study shows that priests who accept the word of God and should be the model for others cause conflicts in the day to day activities in the

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