Conflict In Forgive Me By Leonard Peacock By Matthew Quick

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Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick is a thrilling story about a boy named, well, Leonard Peacock. The book takes place on Leonard's 18th birthday in which he decides to go through with his plan to kill his former best friend, Asher Beal and himself.Man vs self conflict in this book is very clear because throughout the book Leonard is almost fighting with himself on whether or not he really wants to go through with killing Asher and himself. The man vs society conflict in this story is also quite noticeable because Leonard gets bullied by many people so he is constantly going against society. There is also man vs man conflict in this book from Leonard getting bullied by Asher to Leonard and his mother never seeing eye to eye, both …show more content…

In this book, Leonard's main bully is a guy named Asher. Asher used to be Leonard's best friend until Asher showed Leonard a way to “feel good” that Leonard didn't like. Asher and Leonard would “wrestle” but then Asher would turn the wrestling into something else. If you couldn't have guessed it, Asher was raping Leonard. That is how Asher started to bully Leonard, Asher would force Leonard to “wrestle” with him or else he would tell the entire school about what they were doing and tell them that it was Leonard forcing Asher and not the other way around. Asher then started picking on Leonard, calling him a “faggot” and more, Asher started bullying Leonard over something that wasn't even Leonard's doing. The man vs man conflict in this is Asher bullying Leonard for no reason. Another example of man vs man conflict in this story is Leonard going against Lauren’s (ex)boyfriend. Leonard really liked Lauren and Lauren liked Leonard but then, Lauren had a boyfriend and Leonard would constantly be getting bullied by him as well. The last example of man vs man conflict in this story is Leonard and Herr Silverman, Leonard's history teacher. Herr suspected that Leonard was going to kill himself because of some common signs that Leonard was showing. So, the man vs man conflict in this is Herr Silverman trying to get Leonard to, first, come out and tell Herr what his plan was and Herr trying to stop Leonard from going through with his