
Conflict Resolution Action Plan Paper

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Conflict Resolution Action Plan Response
There are several different conflict resolution models that can be used to resolve any conflict. According to the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business website five methods include, avoiding the conflict, giving in, standing your ground, compromising, or collaboration (2018). In order to determine the best resolution for the scenario presented, each method will be applied to the situation with the goal being the student receiving his or her accommodations and modifications along with the dignity of both teachers remaining intact resulting in a continued congenial collaborative relationship.
If avoidance is used to deal with the situation, the special education teacher would simply …show more content…

This would result in the student continuing to not receive his or her services. Also, by either using the ignoring or giving in method violates the Council for Exceptional Children’s Special Education Standards for Professional Practice standard 4.5, which requires special education teachers to intervene when a colleague’s behavior is detrimental to individuals with exceptionalities (2018).
The special education teacher could take a stand your ground approach; however, it would reduce the conflict to a competition. Even if the special education teach got her way in the end, it may put a strain on the relationship and cause resentment. One of the goals of conflict resolution is to find a solution leaving the dignity of both parties intact as well as a positive relationship between the parties. In this case, another goal is for the student to receive what he or she needs with the help of two professionals who can work …show more content…

Next the teacher should initiate the consultation. This includes establishing rapport, identifying the agenda, focus on the defined concern and finally express interest in everyone’s needs. The third step in the process is collecting and organizing relevant information. The teacher would make notes of the data that she has as well as get information from the general education teacher, followed by combining and summarizing the data. Next, which is the forth step is isolating the problem by focusing on the need, stating the problem and propose desired circumstances. This is the time the special education teacher should explain why she believes the accommodations and modifications are important and what she believes the problems which will lead to the fifth step in the process, identifying concerns and realities about the problem. This step includes listening to all concerns, identifying issues without using jargon, encouraging the ventilation of frustration and concerns while focusing on the pertinent issues and needs and finally checking for agreement. During this step both teachers should express their concerns. The general education teacher should explain how she is utilizing the accommodations and modifications and why she believes

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