
Conflict Struggle In Lather And Nothing Else

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How Do Conflicts Challenge the Way Protagonists identify themselves?

Conflict is the state of opposition between ideas and interests. Conflict can leave a lasting effect on the people and places it reaches. Throughout the short stories; Lather and Nothing Else by Hernando Tellez, Bottomless Hole by the Handsome Family and The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, conflict causes the protagonists to rethink their ideals and the way they identify. In Lather and Nothing Else, conflict questions the strength and will of the barber. By failing to stand up to his enemy, Captain Torres, the barber proves that strength is not a part of his identity. In the Bottomless Hole, conflict questions the sanity of the main character. When the protagonist in the story, who’s name is omitted from the story, chooses to venture down the pit in search of …show more content…

Conflict causes people to rethink the values that make up their identity. In Lather and Nothing Else, Captain Torres changes the way the barber saw himself from being a highly acclaimed barber to a weak rebel that lacks the will to stand up for what he believes in. The barber makes excuses for why he cannot kill the barber, which makes it even easier to believe that he had developed insecurities about his identity. In the Bottomless Hole, the uneasy feeling the pit gives the man, causes him to give up his family, and eventually his sanity. Throughout the Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford struggles with morality, and whether what he is doing is the right thing to do, something he had always had a clear view on. The conflict that is presented to Rainsford, causes him to rethink his morals and the practices he had be doing his whole life. In each of these stories it is proven that conflict affects people in a negative way. Conflict will be able to affect the way people see themselves, and it normally comes at the expense of something integral to their

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