Job Satisfaction And Job Performance Essay

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Background of the study
Job satisfaction has been said to lead to qualitative and quantitative improvement in job performance (Ganguly, 2010). Therefore, it is important for organization to find factor that can lead to job satisfaction. In addition, according to Hasan Ali Al-Zu’bi, (2010), one of the key variables that impact the performance of organization is the employee’s job performance and satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be defined as the feelings of employees whether they like or dislike the different aspect of their job experiences in connection to previous experiences (Mohammad, Mumtazah, Jariah & Aminah, 2013). Meanwhile, Ganguly (2010) stated that job satisfaction involves a collection of numerous attitudes and feelings that refer to psychological disposition of people towards their jobs and how they feel about their work and also influence motivation and interest in work.
According to Mcshane and Glinow (2015), a useful template for organizing and understanding the …show more content…

Another study done by Yu (2011), show that perceived supervisor support and internal locus of control are positively related to job satisfaction. Besides that, the employees job satisfaction can also be ensured through their quality of work life such as creativity of outside of work, payment for work and better working environment (Md, 2013).
Quality of work life is a set of principles which holds that people are the most important resources in the organization and they should be treated with dignity as they are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making valuable contribution (Ahmad & Mok, 2009). They also said that quality of work life require the design of work systems that enhance the working life experiences of organizational members, thereby improving commitment to and motivation for accomplishing organizational