Neo Conservative Political Analysis

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This essay will focus on the strengths and weaknesses in conservative political ideology.
The term conservatives first appeared in Britain in the 1830s and was stated by Leach (2002) that the term ‘conserving’ in itself meant keeping things as they are.
Conservatives are a right wing anti federalist party who have been presented to be one of the greatest ideas to stride across history (Gamble, 1974).
Conservatives is said to hold an attitude of mind rather than an elaborate system. They are characterised as a party that deal with things in a sensible and realist way based on practical rather than theoretical/ideological considerations (Leach, 2002).
According to Robert (2003) conservativism is said to affirm the value of what has been tested …show more content…

Lastly Neo conservatives are authoterian, illiberal and disciplinarian, this is one difference between neo conservatism and traditional conservatism.
Neal Ascherson (quoten in Gamble 1988) “The trouble with a free market economy is that it takes so many police to make it work” this is one key criticism to both the neo conservative and traditional view.
The New Right is against state interventions and advocates state freedom from it. On the other hand in the moral, social and political spheres the New right is seen as illiberal and favours a strong and also controlling state. One of the key pioneers of Conservatism said that “ Limitation of government doesn’t make for a weak government. If you’ve got the role of government clearly set out, then t means a very strong government in that role” (Margeret Thatcher) (Grant, 2013)
There is some evidence to oppose the new right view of supporting the free market, in the 1980s and 1990’s the free market economy ended up resulting in increasingly growing economic inequalities between social classes and also social disorder, as a result required better policing and political social …show more content…

Some conservatism recognise this and agree that there cannot always be a blue print for social arrangements.
Negative bias is also seen as a potential strength of the conservatism. Negative bias is when the negative deems to hold more of an importance than the positive, the negative outweighs the bad. Within each political party, their aim should be to change society and by doing so the focus will need to be on the negative in order to make positive change, turning the negative to positives.
Conservatives have been able to maintain itself as part of the government for a very long time, it is believed by Hirsh et all (2010) that the reasons for this is because of its readiness to adapt and change.
Holding their nerve and staying united whilst under pressure in government is a strength that conservatives are known for (ball,