Constructivism In Professional Counselling

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This essay will discuss the multifaceted worldview supporting the need and application of constructivism in 21st century career counselling. Some theoretical and practical aspects will be looked into, to comprehend the principle dimensions and core components from which the conceptual framework of constructivism has been derived. The approaches that lay the foundation of constructivism in career counselling will be described with strong emphasis on real-life counselling scenarios. Linking theory with practice, counselling sessions will be assessed keeping in view the application of both constructivism and positivism. This assessment will therefore provide a background to better evaluate the effectiveness of constructivist approach in career …show more content…

Rather it is referred to as a metaphysical framework that presents a general method of planning life and career development. In the youth worldwide there are two cases; either they do not possess the required career information or they have the career information; instead, they lacked basic motivation and confidence to use the information more effectively in making career decisions. Consequently, the need for counselling approaches that empowered young minds to construct their own life and career stories was felt. Therefore, constructivist approaches gained prominence among career counsellors and the focus was shifted on empowering clients to shape their own choices in life and career by comprehending their own realities. Following the pre-emptive constructivist framework, there are some core counselling dimensions that are given due diligence by career counselors. For starters, keeping these essential dimensions in view a career counselling session was designed to determine the effectiveness of constructivism in modern day high school …show more content…

It was taken into account that the relationship did not establish only during the start of the session, rather the focus was on establishing a connection that lasted and strengthened toward the termination. In this mutual relationship, the client viewed her life and career in an ‘expert’ role. Additionally enhancing the relationship and engagement, the student was motivated and encouraged to narrate her life stories from past, current scenario, interests, desires, strengths, preferred career pathway and the ultimate future. Through story telling the student took the lead during the session and felt more connected and