Analysis Of Contemporary Terrorism

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This study attempt to provide complete understanding of the contemporary terrorism by utilizing theoretical perspective specially tells us about the political realities and identical actions and realities of the society which are constructed by human beings they are not inherently exist in society.
This essay will analyze how in post 9/11 public discourse. “Terrorism” is constructed. We use language to structure our world. Language not only determines how we see the world, but also what kinds of actions are possible. It functions as an instrument of power and groups struggling for domination use language to create and maintain a hegemonic regime of truth. Terrorism could be viewed as a “construct.” produced by particular social actors to serve …show more content…

The root cause for the anger towards the West was the historic failure of the Arab world to embrace the achievements of modernity: democracy, capitalism and science.
The moral criticism of the 9/11 terrorist acts was clear in the US. In the post 9/11 According to public’s point of view they can understand the word terrorism and it is designed for some evil purposes and this act is morally wrong. It is often argued that it is used for evil purposes all the time and that terrorism is essentially always the same irrespective of the context it emerges from. The consequence of the 9/11 is that the question of “terrorism.” is seen in strict, morally absolute categories. One must criticize terrorism, or it is clear that one embraces it.
After the following years of 9/11 attacks conceptualization of terrorism become taken a specific ‘’common sense’’. It is general assumption that terrorism exists in all over the world. This view is more dominant in western societies. And this is called as orthodox view. Over the past years orthodox view has shaped or worked on both sides firstly on public discourse and secondly on policy, making it as perceived as objective and universal. Yet opposite to this conventional view there are other ways to conceptualize …show more content…

And these institutions again shaped these communities with the changing dynamics. There no hard and fast rules for measuring good or bad, right or wrong. Rather this is all about consideration of getting the things in a good way or wrong way; it’s all about the view points in which we take the things good or bad. Our perceptions of reality sometime based on communities identities that portray something as right or wrong. Norms and institutions change with the time and add new things in it and taking multiple forms according to social context. Language have very important factor in creating world communities. Language functions as an instrument used for normalizing the worldviews. Through language identities are created and maintained, and as such, language is never neutral. From the social constructivists view ‘’terrorism’’ is constructed by some special group who want to achieve some particular goals through some instruments. And they also want to get some political needs. .“Terrorism” in terrorism discourse is created by the process of inter-group communication and interplay of political interests and aspirations for power. It is socially and politically produced and it is a process of communication at rooted in language and this have shared