“When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born.” This quote from the Bible can be linked to Inherit the Wind because the word “foreigner” can be seen as someone different from you with other opinions and here it says that we should all be treated the same like Drummond implies at the end. This is also linked with the play because it comes from the Bible and religion is a main theme in Inherit the Wind which is ironic because it shows Brady’s close-mindedness: if he would have totally understood the Bible he should know that “foreigners” should be treated equally. We will explore how Lawrence and Lee depict two major contradictions in the play but finally make us understand that we are all the same and …show more content…
These are the two main themes of the play, religion is depicted with the presence of the Bible, a reverend and a really christian town. Evolution is depicted with props such as the book The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Religion and evolution are very extreme contradictions; one believes in creation and the other one think of evolution. The severe differences make it difficult for some characters such as Rachel to choose between both. The playwrights purposely chose these two oppositions to make the audience of the play think and question themselves. Here, the themes of religion and evolution are brought together throughout a trial.
A trial is a perfect way to emphasize contradiction: there are two opposed sides debating about two different ideas each have. Stage directions inform us that Drummond and Brady are on two different tables opposing each-other (Act I, Scene 2). This implies that there is a certain distance between both of them and that they are different reinforcing the idea of contradiction and opposition which indirectly emphasizes the denunciation of