
How Did Bertram Cates Decided To Break The Law?

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Back in 1925 it was against the law to teach Darwin’s Origin of Species, but did it stop Bertram… was it for the better? Bertram Cates decided to break the law and teach his class from the book of evolution: Darwin’s Origin of Species. For this, he was placed in jail for his mistake to teach the Darwin’s Origin of Species. Cates says, “ I wrote to that newspaper in Baltimore. They’re sending somebody.”(1.1.10) In hope of a defense attorney who would understand why he decided to teach from the book of Darwin. At his defense came a well-known attorney by the name of Henry Drummond. Drummond clearly agreed with Cates, if not why else would he have come with free of charge? The prosecutor who is Matthew Harrison Brady was also a respected religious …show more content…

The defense attorney Henry Drummond had to prove and defend that from this point on. After reuniting with his old friend Brady, he remembered why it is so important for people to have the liberty to think their own thoughts. Having the ability to think is great; it comes with many benefits two being open-minded and very communicative. As a way to prove the teachings of evolution from Darwin’s Origin of Species, he encountered to request his old friend, Brady, to testify as an expert testimony regarding a book known as the Holy Bible. He starts by asking him if every word in the Bible should be taken literally. Brady replied, “everything in the Bible should be accepted, exactly as it is given there” (2.2.87). Henry Drummond is enquiring Brady to get an answer of confusion. Brady was previously struggling with the interrogations. In fact, Drummond asked if a sponge has the ability to think? Brady answers “Of course” (2.2.94). Drummond replies, “This man wishes to be accorded the same privilege as a sponge! He wishes to think!” (2.2.94). Brady disagrees because he thinks that Cates has lost his way. Cates was viewing the good in Darwin’s Origin of

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