
Control Of Children In George Orwell's 1984

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Children, in history, are being used, manipulated, and brainwashed for the sole purpose of power. Previous governments have targeted children to promote their ideals because of the fact that they do not have a fully developed mindset and will not recognize the harm they are doing. In George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, children play a big role in the support of the Party and their ways of controlling others, much like the young boys and girls of the Hitler Youth, in the early to mid 1900s. In 1984, children are trained to turn in a go against traitors, whom are most likely parents. The Parson’s children are mainly focused on in this novel for their notorious ways of being able to tell when someone is not normal and/or is a traitor. …show more content…

These children were “assigned to monitor the activities and conversations of other children and report back to the police on improper activities or treasonous views”(Gottfried 3). They were basically trained to be spies, which closely relates to 1984 in the fact that there was a group for the children called the Spies that Parsons and his children were a part of. They saw anything, other than what leaders saw to be proper, as a crime and would immediately report back which would ultimately lead to punishment. The children were also trained to “target neighbors, teachers, religious leaders, and even parents”(Gottfried 3). These figures were the targets most likely because it is who the children were close to. The children had relationships with these people but did not hold back on exposing them. The young women of Germany “learned that the goal of female education must invariably be the future mother”(Gottfried 2). Much like in 1984, procreation was promoted however pleasure was not. The girls in 1984 have to go to classes and meetings to be taught that the reason for sex is to have children, nothing else. Also, “school work was neglected while supreme emphasis was placed on the boyd learning to automatically snap-to attention at any time of the day or night and to obey all orders unconditionally”(“Hitler Youth” 2). The children were basically denied

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