
Cookie: A Narrative Fiction

729 Words3 Pages

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a little cute man made of gingerbread. Now this cute gingerbread man had a nice smile with red lips, ginger hair, and was wearing all white. This man whose name was Harry lived in a land far, far away where it was all made of candy. This land didn’t have any visitors, it was just lone Harry. One day, Harry decided to go on an adventure. He got up really early one morning and packed a few essentials: milk, icing, and cookies, all a little gingerbread man could need! He headed out of his little home and just started walking. We walked past candy mountains made of marshmallows to a river of milk. Now this river had a ;large cookie by it. So, brilliant Harry picked up the cookie and set it on the …show more content…

He felt someone poking at him, so he rubbed and opened his eyes made of icing. What Harry saw next blew his eyes! Seven people who were so tiny. Harry looked around and realized he wasn’t where he thought he was. There was no river next to him made of chocolate. Instead, there were 7 dwarfs with very differently personalities. They pulled him up and told him that they had to find Snow White. Harry thought about it and decide that he couldn’t be anymore lost, so why not help them find this person named Snow White. He walked and walked until his legs could move no more. He and the seven dwarfs decided to take a little rest and before they knew it, they all fell asleep together and all holding …show more content…

They were in some green land on a giant leaf. Sleepy went around to each of the seven dwarfs and Harry and told them each “Guys, I’m scared, I don’t know where we are!” When everyone was awake they realized they had no other option than to climb to the leaf above them. From there, they saw another leaf. So they climbed that one too. It was a continuous process of climbing the giant beanstalk. They climbed for hours and hours, until they ran out of energy.
By this time, Harry forget about the stuffed he packed. There they all were tired and starving. They dwarves all huddled around without Harry. They knew what they had to do. Sleepy would start singing to Harry until he would fall asleep, which his when they would all start eating Harry. To the dwarves it sounded like an excellent plan. They thought they saved Harry anyways. So, Sleepy went over to Harry and said “Why don’t you go to sleep. You look so tired. When we all wake up we will continue climbing.” Harry laid his head down and Sleepy began to sing. “Go to sleep. Go to sleep little Harry!” Sleepy repeated over and over until Harry was asleep. When Harry was all the way asleep the dwarves came over and all whispered “Go for it!’ Each one of the seven dwarves chomped away Harry, until all was left of him was a tiny crumb! Sleepy took the crumb, whispered “See you later!”, and tossed it off the

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