Corrie Monologue

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I walked past the police station and then the watch shop. I remember seeing this girl, her pale face, the tears were frozen to Corrie’s eyes. ‘It is time to go,’ I murmured, lifted the soul of the old woman, I hold her in my forearm. That day, I silently walked away. I handed the soul of the old woman to the conveyor belt of eternity. She was buried a few days later. The girl called Corrie gave me such a strong impression that I knew I would always remember her. Now after years of travelling globally, I had been to too many places to remember, I had taken too many people away. I do not know when this will end, I do not know how this will end, and all I know is that I am back here again. The war had begun. I am at work again. The Nazis kept me busy, there were people dying everyday due to warfare, their bodies were motionless, lying on the ground. I was totally shocked by what I saw in front of me the red flesh were …show more content…

She had not been well for the past two days, and I hope she would realize that in a concentration camp like this, she could easily be killed just by a small disease. On my way here, I prayed to God, that I did not want to take her away, not this time, at least no now. I prayed to God that I hope she will be well very soon. When I was about to leave, her sister Bestie summoned her downstairs and I walked out through the walls. I was glad that I did not have to take her away this time for real, the prayers worked. When I was back at the prison again after several months to collect a new group of souls, I could not believe what I saw. Corrie had four gospels! Possession of a Bible is one of many ways kalte kost, which reduces prisoner’s rations to one meal of bread a day. She could easily be killed by it, she could easily be killed by everything that she had done wrong. I sighed inside and walked away, wishing her all the

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