
Corrin Quechuan Witch Myth

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In a top-secret lab in Area 51, there is a young 20-year-old female scientist named Corrin Quechua Pheonix. Corrin is a crystallographer. She has been studying crystals ever since she was a kid. Her fascination with them knows no bounds. Through her dedication to her study of crystals, she has managed to get in to the academy of Crystal Studies and Examinations. At that academy, she learned all that was needed in order to join Area 51. For two years with Area 51, She has worked to the best of her ability. Today all that hard work paid off. Corrin's boss and head of the Crystal Department, Mrs. Blade Raven, has a special assignment for Corrin. Walking towards Corrin she is greeted by the other crystallographers. They all address her in the way they were told. As she walks by, one at a time they say, "Ma'am." However, when it comes to Corrin, it is a different story. Whenever Blade goes to her, Corrin is allowed to call her by her name. When Blade reaches her she simply says, "Corrin," and with that and in complete shock from the way Blade addressed her Corrin simply yells, " Blade!" Then she calms down and asks her, "Is there something I can do for you?" Blade responds with confidence, "Yes there is something you can do for me." Corrin asks out of concern and nervousness, "What can I do for you?" Blade responds …show more content…

Fortunately, Corrin and Ruby are too stubborn and determined to go to the deepest part of the cave to give up now. As the two go deeper into the cave the crystals start to become even more beautiful. Corrin starts to realize that the deeper they go the more beautiful the crystals are. They stop to take a small break as they get to the center of the cave. Once there, they notice a giant crystal hanging from above them pointing toward the ground. Beneath the crystal there appears to be a pond, but it was gleaming and sparkling just like the crystals. They walk down rock-like spiral steps and reach the pond. Ruby then tells Corrin, "We don't know what

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