Corruption And Absolutism In The Movie '

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Corruption and absolutism are ruling France. The movie well describes how France is just a big corrupted state where the poverty is on such a bad level that the people of France are starting to realize that the king, Louis XVI, should be taken down. The idea of to getting France to change to better is visualized through the main characters which are not trying to help just France but also the French people. However, the nobles are making it impossible for anybody, who is not on their side, to even get a chance to see the king. The noble women had the power of corruption which is shown in many ways throughout the movie.
The main character, which in the movie is called the Engineer, is a noble from the southwest part of France. He may not be …show more content…

Abbot is left alone in the room. At that point, he lost his respect and his legitimacy. Then, Madame de Blayac does not have anyone to play with, because Abbot is not important anymore, so she sends a love letter to the Engineer and asks him to come back which proves the power of corruption. The Engineer comes back goes through Madame de Blayac’s bedroom and gets to the king. While the Engineer is in Versailles, him and Madame de Blayac visit the showing of a project of the deaf educated kids and Mathilda with her father are also there which makes it a little bit uncomfortable because her and the Engineer are both attracted to each other. The kid from Mathilda’s house, that was taken away, is in this project. They show that the kids have learned a language and that now they can communicate. However, at first the nobles do not like it because they realize that it a progress against the old regime and they do not want that to be changed. But on the other hand, the Engineer loves it and is happy for the kids so because of his enthusiasm everyone in the room starts clapping and they all are happy for the progress. The progress was exactly what the nobles did not want to happen because they like how their lives were. They did not serve the state nor the French people. They basically did not have to do …show more content…

Because he leaves Madame de Blayac for Mathilda, she decides to invite them to a ball to ridicule them. She makes sure that someone trips him on the dance floor so he falls and everybody will make fun of him. That is another proof of how much corrupt France was during that period of time. After the Engineer falls, he gets up, gives the nobles in the room a speech of how corrupt they are and leaves. Madame de Blayac realizes that this going to be the end and that a big change is coming. Her face is like the metaphor for bankruptcy, powerless, and pathetic figure. Her face also represents the face of the old