Cosima Dannoritzer's Film: The Lightbulb Conspiracy

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Cosima Dannoritzer’s documentary, The Lightbulb Conspiracy broadened my knowledge of how planned obsolescence is used around the world. The Lightbulb Conspiracy exclusively looked at Steve Jobs in the very early 21st century as the documentary was released in 2010. Planned obsolescence is a policy of deliberately designing a product that has a limited lifespan, so that consumers are forced to replace it after a period of time. It shows how this tactic isn’t just being used in the United States, but all over the world. I believe the focus of the film was to put to light on how Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Computers, and many others use and try to use planned obsolescence to their advantage. The film exposes people all around the world and even Steve Jobs himself.
The film starts by showing a man named Marcos whose printer has stopped working go looking for help. He goes to three shopkeepers and each one tells him he would be better off to buy a new printer instead of repairing his broken one. The video then explains if he had bought a new printer, he would be many of millions who have …show more content…

It has been burning since 1901 and has ironically outlived the two webcams recording it! This depicted the lights in our house that we have to change every couple of months that there has been running for over a century! Who knows how long it’ll stay lit, but imagine how long the light bulbs of today’s era can last. One way I see planned obsolescence help in a good way is keeping a country’s economy somewhat steady and stable. The film shows clips of people learning if planned obsolescence hadn’t been practiced, there would be a lot less working people. There would be no need for malls, industries, designers, architects, cleaners, security guards and much more. The film goes on to show the repeated evidence in which even though people get scammed a little, it helps out the world in a