Cost Of College

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College, a life option that could potentially change your life forever. There are so many things revolving around college that makes students stress and worry about what is to come. The financial standpoint, the struggle with academic work, and the constant struggle to make time for your life and your academics. The college life is something that most teens look forward to, but many also dread. There are mass amounts of college funds that many people worry about. There is mass amounts of debt in our nation, more than half of that debt occurs do to college and student loans. More often than not you hear about poor college kids. Going into college there are multiple funds that you have it worry about such as; the cost to get to college and …show more content…

There are many things you have to consider upon going to college. Gas and travel time is a huge deal when trying to get to college. In most circumstances, parents or students buy or get vehicles to drive to college, so not only are you buying the vehicles, but you are buying the gas to get there. That can get costly considering the fact an average gallon of gas is two dollars and thirty cents. Another thing students discover is many school to apply to go to school there you must pay a fee to apply. This could possibly be a large fee and or a large fee, but even if it is a small fee it still takes a toll economically. Many students that are set on success is in college take college classes before they arrive online. College classes online can be very spendy. Just those basic things could run up to one hundred to two hundred …show more content…

Some pay room and board others have to pay their rent for where they live. The average cost for room and board at a four year college is nine thousand, eight hundred and four dollars, that is just to have a place to live. That does not include the cost of food or a meal plan. The average cost of a college meal plan is nine thousand three hundred and thirty six for a four year plan so basically you are paying roughly around ten thousand dollars in living and food cost for four years. That is not including the necessities or things you may need such as: personal items, laundry detergent, soap, towels, clothes, or other items. That is simply why it is so important to save for college right off the