Fosler 4Even though people often say that money is not everything in life, it is a big part of it. Assalaries continue to rise, students have another motivator factor to pursue a college education. Areason to these high salaries can be the high demand for jobs that require knowledge on aspecific field, such as a doctor or an engineer (Yen). The continuous demand for these jobscreates a motivation inside some of the students mind, making them want to continue on theireducation until they graduate from a four-year institution. As the salaries of these students areaveraged and compared to the salaries from high school graduates, it makes college worth it.Achieving a college education is not only about the overall economic benefit that it willprovide …show more content…
This character isbuilt from the debt that will be present after graduation, making one more economically-independent, while creating a sense of responsibility by attending classes and keeping track ofthe assignments that will be required to be turned in. Something like a job.Focusing on the same idea, achieving a college education also has an overall positiveeffect on an individual by making their lives happier and less stressful when it comes to “makingends meet”. Police officers, teachers, and repairmen, etc., do not necessarily require anindividual to receive a four-year education, but how can it have an overall benefit on theircharacter and self-esteem? Going to college provides the individual with a higher sense ofunderstanding of a field, which provides them with higher-skilled work opportunities, …show more content…
This situation is only takes place for the average student, but there are otherresources such as merit aid scholarships that end up granting students a full ride for aninstitution, but these scenarios do not happen to the majority. In addition, most schools,excluding Ivy schools, tuition rates have gone up on a predictable upward trend (as everythingdoes). Although Ivy League schools tuition is drastically higher, many employers will be willingto pay more for a degree from this such schools.In conclusion, although college has an initial investment of upwards of usually $100,000,students should look at it as a form of a long-term investment, one that will guarantee them witha profit in the long run, with the amount dependent on how much the person spent in college andwhat the person’s desired career field was. Although college is always looked at from a financialstandpoint, many people seem to downplay or ignore the kind of effects that it has on peoples’lives. A college education should not only be about the final and potential earnings that onecould have after graduating from the four-year institution, it should be about the overall benefitsit has on one’s character, preparing