Courage In The Movie Wonder

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There are a lot of movies that are meaningful but the movie “Wonder” is really up there. The movie “Wonder” is an 11-year-old kid named August (Auggie). In the movie Auggie suffers an illness called Treacher Collins Syndrome, it is a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face. So in overall, we will be focusing on how Courage, Kindness and Friendship are demonstrated in the movie “Wonder”. In the movie “Wonder”, courage is shown in many different ways throughout the movie. First of all, courage is shown when Auggie goes to school for the first time in his life. This proves courage because it is actually Auggie’s first time going to a public school because the past years he was homeschooled. Secondly, courage is shown when Via signed up for a play even though she didn’t like drama. This proves courage also because Via wasn’t really into drama at first, but when a guy said to Via that she should try something new, Via took it as an advice and did sign up. …show more content…

The first example is when Auggie shows his pop quiz to Jack because he sees that Jack is struggling during the Science quiz. This shows kindness because Auggie knows that he is very good at Science and when he saw Jack struggling he thought that he could help him a little bit. Secondly, kindness is shown when Miranda gives Via her role in the play because Miranda realized that she was ruining her friendship with Via. That proves the theme kindness because Miranda wasn’t really being that friendly with Via after the summer camp even though Via and Miranda were best friends before the summer