
Cover Letter For Marketing Position

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Thanks for sharing the information regarding the director of marketing position with Malibu and Axis boats. They make a stellar line up of boats and the director of marketing position represents an awesome opportunity that I am extremely interested in pursuing.

As I mentioned to you, I’ve invested my entire career in targeting enthusiast audiences. During the past 15 + years, I have continually, and repeatedly, been successfully in putting brands atop of the competition in the sports and life-style segment; not by outspending other brands, but by out “playing them”. My approach was always the same; make my brand the thought-leader in the category and let everyone else make “noise.”

As a kid, I got my first job at 15 working in a …show more content…

We would bring the “fun factor” to the properties, and would get all the massive exposure and free marketing from the properties. I’ve put brands in the middle of Yankee Stadium, LA Kings, Walt Disney World, in the middle of Wall Street in NYC all part of coming up with unique marketing campaigns and working with the marketing teams at the properties to be able to pull them off.

Media Content Partnerships
Over the years, I put together several partnerships with key endemic media partners within the action sports space. I created a multi-year partnership with the Dew Tour/ NBC Sports to host “non traditional comp” Transworld Jam Sessions. I worked with ESPN X Games each of the six years I was at Transworld. Structured a deal with Fuel TV to co-produce and deliver multiple airings of the Transworld’s Awards shows. These deals provided reach and brand advertising to massive audiences all without making a single ad buy.

Big Product Launches– we created a product “launch” for the new Taylor Made clubs at the PGA show by renting out the Kennedy Space Center. We bused in 700 media and clients from around the globe; hosted the product intro with the CEO in the Space Center Theater, and had demo stalls and dinner for all 700 guests under the Saturn 5 …show more content…

Understanding that Malibu wants to develop a quality line of apparel and merchandise, and having great wearables and branded gear definitely helps to build a clan of Malibu loyalists and further the relationship with owners.

I spent many years in the sports apparel industry and we can absolutely start to build a collection. One thing I would also investigate is working with a cool apparel brand that has massive “cred” in the space to build collaboration with. One brand that I would reach out to is, Brixton. The founders of the company all worked with me at Transworld back in the day. It is just one brand we can speak to, but working with a brand like Brixton, you can ensure you are going to develop items with styles, designs and colors, which are dead on with the audience.

This letter was longer than I wanted to make it, but I hope that this all made sense and was helpful in sharing some more on the experience and skills that I will bring to the Director of Marketing role with Malibu &

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