Craig Keilburges 'Story Of If I Had Bee A' Small World

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Craig Keilburges story is an interesting one with him only being 12 and wanting to change and have an impact of the world. Craig a 12 year old child was looking through the newspaper searching for comics when he saw an article on a boy named Iqbal who was a former child labour working who had run away and freed himself, who began to speak up to the world on child labour but while doing so was shot and killed by people who did not want him speaking up on this topic. This is what started Craig of in his fight to stand up and try to have an impact in stopping child labour even when he was only 12 year of age, his aim was to free children and their families from poverty and explorations calling his movement ‘’Free the Children’’. Craig later made a small film ‘’it takes a child’’ with the hope to spread the word of what was happening and eradicate child labour, through the film Craig travels to south Asia visiting children that were currently working as child labours and finding out their stories, one boy that Craig met with had been worked on the rubbish tip and had …show more content…

Children not only need an education but need a chance to be themselves and just be a child and have fun, this issue is not something that is going to disappear overnight or in a week or even a month because it has gotten to the point that it is so big it will need to have a really big rise up against it to defeat the