Enchantress: A Short Story

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When I was 13 years old, I accidentally stumbled upon a cave while playing in the woods. I found a really weird vase ,but when I picked it up something glowing flew out of it. The next day I realised something was off, my hair was slowly fading to the deepest black you could imagine, my nails also grew a few centimeters. As I aged, I did some research, and found that the cave was enchanted. I didn’t bother telling anyone, because I knew no one would believe me. Now, 15 years of age, I live alone in a small cabin I built, afraid to go out in the daylight, i’m afraid people would fear me, but that is the last thing I want, people to fear me. I only go out at night, so I wont be seen. One day, I went out two hours earlier than my usual schedule, …show more content…

Literally.” “I don’t even know your name” Blake said. “My name?.. Its uuu.. My name is Enchantress.” “ Enchantress.. Seriously.” “ Yes, and if you want to want to make fun then I will send you on your way... ALONE!” “Enchantress, what a wonderful name.” “Yes, but you can call me Jane, my actual name. Blake wasn’t bad company, it actually felt good to have someone to talk to for once, but I knew he couldn't stay, it was to dangerous. “I have a question Jane, why don you don't ever go to town?” Blake sounded a little nervous, but I didn’t point it out. “I’m afraid people would fear me, seeing a teenage girl with deep black hair and ragged clothes. I was made fun of as a kid, just think of what would happen if everyone saw me like...this.” “I have an older sister, you look like her size. I can go home, get you some clothes and a brush. Once you clean up you and I will go to town. If you are seen with me, no one will bother you..I promise.” “Blake you don't have to do that for me...you can just go home” Blake is a sweet guy and just wants to do what he thinks is best. “There is no way I am taking no for an answer. I will be back by noon.” Later That