Creative Writing: Angela's Murder

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This was Angela’s basement, only from years before.There, tied in restraints, bloody and beaten, pregnant as hell, was the girl who had grabbed her hands. Not much had changed about the dark, dirty room except for the girl tied in her bindings. But seeing her face through her dark hair and the blue dress on her, Angela knew for certain it was the dead girl from the garden. Angela slipped into the girl’s mind easily and without preamble. Slid inside her skin where their minds connected, Angela’s and the girl’s. Memories flooded into her brain from the girl and she had to struggle to breathe, even though where she was required no breathing at all. It was like watching a dream play out in front of her. Hazy and fuzzy at the edges. The images …show more content…

And you will suffer. Oh, through the years, you will suffer. Jump cut. Time passed and the girl was made to be the babysitter for the new residents of the house. A doctor, his wife, and teenage boy. The old witch made her seduce the innocent doctor. To what end, the dead girl didn’t know. And it even pleased the hag to have her granddaughter wag her ass at the teenage boy, get his hormones raging. The ultimate insult to injury was having her roleplay getting pregnant as she suffered abuse at the hands of the man she’d been fucking. This the witch delighted in. It made her cackle with glee. Then the poor doctor shot himself, and there was no more need for the girl’s set of charms. The bruja had other …show more content…

When the scene shifted, Angela cried out from inside the dead girl. She was looking at herself at ten-years-old. Across the table from her was Lillian, five-years-old and very much alive. The dead girl had her orders from the witch again. Angela understood even though the witch wanted her there for a reason, the teenage babysitter loved the two girls she sat with, eating dinner. Angela heard the young her call the dead girl Bianca. Memories came rushing back, crushing her with their weight. Angela felt herself moan from within the girl/Bianca, and her childhood was returned to her. So many memories. So much love for the girl she now inhabited. The door to the basement flew open as they ate. The younger version of her jumped, as did Lillian. Bianca/Angela didn’t flinch, because they knew who was calling. It was the witch. Bianca got up and walked to the door, turning to the girls as she got to it. “I’ll be right back. You girls keep eating your dinner.” Angela wanted to scream out to her to stay. Don’t go down there. Because later Father will be home, and the witch will call you again, and… And what? That part wasn’t there yet, but Angela was scared. So scared.