
Creative Writing: Blood Brothers

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“Oh, um…,” Cary hesitated to speak as he cleared his throat of what he’d been eating. “Um, well, we talked to this guy for a while and had asked him for some identification which he couldn’t provide for us.” “Couldn’t provide ID,” Russell objected as he still hung on the outskirts of the room. “Who can’t provide ID? I would have arrested him right then and there, and had taken him in to the station to match his DNA up to the New America’s database. That, would have solved your problem of who this guy is, right away.” “Yes, well, we try to be a little more discrete, Russell,” Cary sighed over his son’s tactless approach. “There’s really no need to go hauling every person off the street in for a DNA check. Especially, if there’s no evidence …show more content…

“Yeah, well, I was saying…,” Cary countered dismissing his son altogether. “It took some time, but eventually we got a name out of him. We actually, like Russell suggested, had to threaten to take him in before he would give us some answers. But he talked, and for the most part, he checked out. “Turns out, he’s just a recluse living not far from the edge of the county forest. And, he seems all-in-all fairly benign, but we’ll be keeping an eye on him for a while all the same.” “What was his name, dear?” Krista …show more content…

And, with Cary saying he would handle things, Krista just remained staring down at her plate of untouched dessert trying to calm her nerves. Russell having successfully made it into Phillip’s bedroom spotted the notepad computer resting on the semi-cluttered desk next to the room’s bed and he immediately went in search of Phillip’s stored files on its hard drive. “No!” Phillip shouted yet again as he busted into his bedroom to see that Russell was serious about carrying out his threat. “It’s for your own good, spaz,” Russell remarked with a mischievous smirk as he continued to work on locating the records stored on the computer’s drives. “All of this craziness with you needs to end before you hurt somebody or they put you away.” “No, get off my computer!” Phillip pleaded as he tried to push past Russell hoping to save his files, but Russell having been considerably bigger and stronger just shoved him aside where he bounced off of his bed like a rag doll. “Don’t! Stop!” Phillip begged. Russell kept up in his search while fighting Phillip off with one hand, and soon he had found what he was looking for, scores of old twentieth century cinema movies and

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