
Creative Writing: CIS Invisible Hand

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(CIS Invisible Hand: high orbit over Earth: three days later)
General Grievous watched happily as seven more ships dropped into orbit around the planet. Each one was carrying a full complement of droids, all ready for immediate deployment. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that Dooku had seen it fit to personally arrive with the fleet. Grievous didn’t bother to turn as the door snapped open, thinking that it was one of his droids.
“General Grievous,” growled a deep voice from behind him.
Startled, Grievous spun around before bowing his head in respect, “Count Dooku. Your presence here is most unexpected.”
“Spare me the pleasantries General,” Dooku stated with a dismissive wave of his hand, “I am here because of the pathetic job …show more content…

The pavement was ripped up and dotted with craters from a multitude of bombing runs. One each side of the road were the twisted and charred remains of various vehicles and tanks. Strewn throughout the twisted metal and in the ditches were the bodies of those that had met their end on this road. The burned and jagged tree trunks lining the road anded to the foreboding atmosphere.
Agent Garner looked out the passenger side window of the lead MRAP as they worked their way down the road. Without headlights it was slow going, but Sergeant Jackman next to him or any of the other drivers were willing to use any kind of light, and the full moon ensured that they didn’t have too.
“What the hell?” mumbled the Sergeant as he leaned forward in his seat.
It took only a second to find what the man was talking about. Up ahead three military trucks sat in the road. Two were blown to either side while the other was sat overturned and laying across the road.
“This is Eagle 1, we’ve got an obstacle in our path. It looks like we now know what happened to that missing convoy. Eagles 1 through 6, we’re up,” Sergeant Jackman stated solemnly as he brought the vehicle to a

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