The song played in the background of his mind as he leaned back in his chair, idly flipping the pages of his upcoming patient's background and he could not for the life of him get it out of his head. He was an 80's buff, there was no doubt about that, and hearing the haunting notes of a Def Leppard song as he gazed at the sad eyes of the young woman in the dossier seemed to hint already at the emotions her gaze engendered inside of him. His own eyes held perhaps a measure of the same sadness, a loneliness that was bone deep, but it was not something he thought about overlong as he sat there. His fingers traced along the papers to once more review, his other hand coming to pick up his pen to make a few notations on the notepad next to him. His hand was sure and steady, the letters written in cursive and boldly expressed, the type of handwriting given to either the supremely confident or the quietly self-assured. Doctor Elias Preston was definitely the latter. Regardless of his abilities however, there seemed sadly little information about his upcoming patient. It was …show more content…
He gave off the idea that he was a teddy bear. Six feet and broad shouldered, forty years of age and distinguished. His brilliant hazel eyes shone behind his glasses as he looked around to find her, the dark black hair on his head thinning just slightly and showing some grey at the temples. His beard was kept professional, the grey more prominent within it than in the hair atop his head. That frame held a heavy set man, muscled stature giving way more towards padding the older he got, and no matter how often he promised himself he would address the issue he always seemed never to do so. His clothing was simple professional, black slacks and a green long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves tugged up to his elbows. Looking around he smiled when he found her, his voice quiet and deep as he