
Creative Writing: Super Natural

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Super Natural
Chapter 1
Well there I was face to face with what has been chasing me the entire time. No sleep for five days now I would never had imagined something like this happening to me. But before I can tell you anything going on right now I must give you some background. So my name is Henry James. I wouldn’t say I’m just your average Joe because I’m not. You see I’ve had this ghost following me around since I was twelve and for those of you wondering I am twenty eight now. This ghost basically could do anything but he could never leave my house. The ghost would bring me something to drink, make me something to eat and other things of the sort. So I started calling the ghost Wilma. Why Wilma I don’t know it was just the first name that …show more content…

I was working as an accountant for a pretty good law firm. The law firm was hart and hart where we win your case. Yeah so I had been working there for about a year already and the six months was my half way mark to two years. But at the start of my second year I started noticing some weird things. But nothing too weird because I’ve seen some weird things in my time. I’ve seen vamps sing karaoke, gargoyles eat other gargoyles, and werewolves date vampires. But more and more start to show and eventually the demons co- exist in the world with humans. But this was a couple of years ago that demons start to live up top with humans. Now it’s got to the point where they sell blood in stores for vampires and other things of the sort. But everybody has pretty much gotten used to the demons being up top. But back to hart and hart, they were doing some weird things there conjuring demons no one could ever had imagined. I was just a basic accountant so I never dealt with anything demonic. But the day I got fired from hart and hart I was carrying some papers to Mr.the chief executive for hart and hart and I kind of walked in on something I didn’t need to see. The executives were summoning some kind of demon I’ve never seen before it was tall, dark, and had a lot of …show more content…

The towns name is Mona vale I have an old friend that moved up there. So now I’m driving from New York to Oklahoma and I’m about half way there now and I think there’s some vampires following me in a green Pontiac grand am. So I’m going to stop at the nearest diner and access my current situation. So I’m at the diner and the car I thought was following me was actually just a family going back to Oklahoma so I’m glad that I didn’t assume and just attack that family. But I’m going to eat something and see if I can get any info on my friend. My friend is one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever met she had long blonde, bright blue eyes, beautiful tan skin, and she had the greatest personality. I’m actually meeting her at the diner that I stopped at. I already ordered my coffee I drink it black and just as soon as I got my coffee there she was just as beautiful as the first time I met her. Her name is Lindsay Cobalt we went to high school together. I had a crush on her for the longest time and still do. But after high school she left and went to Mona Vale to live with her grandparents. So this will be the first time I’ve seen her in ten years. Lindsay entered the diner and sat and talked to me for hours about all the things she’s been doing since she’s been here in Mona Vale. She told me about her grandfather passing and how it’s just her and her grandmother paying the

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