Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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But Bahauddin had been there before. He knew his way around the Salt Caverns as if it were home.
The shaft was small. Barely enough room for him, so he had to leave his lantern at the bottom of the shaft.
When he was almost at the top of the shaft suddenly there was another large boom! Another cannon was fired and it shook the entire shaft. Bahauddin clenched the iron key ring making sure not to let it fall. After the trembling stopped, he counted how many keys were on the heavy ring.
“Yes, all seven are here,” Bahauddin reassured himself. “They have to be here. Balabad depends on it. My own life depends on it! If I fail the new king will surely have it in for me!” Unfortunately for Bahauddin, it was hard to count in the dark.
When he reached the top of the shaft he looked around him, trying to figure out where he is. In the distance he saw Baladad, and in front of it a war zone. Bahauddin knew Balabad was facing danger, but not a complete onslaught from an enemy tribe. The king neglected to tell him this.
As Bahauddin neared Balabad’s walls the guards stopped him. “Halt! No entry to Balabad as order from the king!” The guard yelled. “My name is Bahauddin Shah, our ruler sent me to retrieve the Seven Keys. Whether Balabad lives or dies solely depends on if you let me through, “ Bahauddin stated. “Show us the keys …show more content…

I already have it. I bet you are wondering how or why I have this?” The Borti questioned holding up the key. “You see Bahauddin each of the Seven Keys of Balabad unlocks something valuable within the palace. For example, one key opens the door to an unimaginable amount of gold and riches. One opens the door to powerful weapons to wipe out our enemies. One to the most sacred temple of our god, Balaban. And each key opens something valuable to the people of Balabad. Our ancestors gave the future kings specific directions to only use the keys at a time of emergency to save the Baladis people. I think I’ll use the keys to save myself