Creoles Dbq

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In the struggle for Latin America Independence, the peninsulares who were born in Spain and had major power of Latin America. The Creoles who were born in Latin America, but with the ancestry of the Peninsulares, had lower power than the Peninsulares.Why did the Creoles, which were dense populated and most were officers at the time lead the revolution? The Creoles lead the revolution because the Creoles had a massive economic issue as well as a fight for political power against the Peninsulares and the issues of the social classes. One reason that the creoles lead the revolution is the massive economic issue that occurred in Latin America. There was a drought in early Mexico in 1808-09 this destroyed the harvest, as well as tripled the food prices. “In 1908-09 drought produced a great mortality among Mexico's livestock and decimated (destroyed) the harvest...Food prices tripled.”(Document D). The drought caused many people to become unemployed and caused a havoc on the economy in Early Latin America. Spain …show more content…

Since the Creoles are American born, they have limited rights in Latin America compared to the Peninsulares who had the majority power.”-we are struggling to maintain ourselves in the country that gave us birth against the opposition of the invaders.” (Document A).Also due to the creoles birthplace (Latin America), they have a limit of personal and property rights. “Will you recover the lands stolen three hundred years ago from your forefathers by the hated Spaniards?” (Document E). And the creoles have limited amounts of jobs that they one could be. “- Creoles held few high-ranking jobs in the government. These jobs went to the peninsulares.”(Hook Exercise: Ranking Social Group). The creoles had limited rights, limited personal and property rights, and limited to jobs; this made the creoles fight for political power in order to get rights to the land that they were born