Crime, Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking In Society

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Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a serious crime and a violation of the human rights of those who have been involved. It can be termed as modern slavery. Every year, there are thousands of women, men and children that are trafficked by traffickers’ right in their own countries and aboard. Human trafficking can be defined as a modern slavery which comprises of the control of a person through fraud, force or coercion to take advantage of the individual for forced sexual exploitation or forced labor and worst of all both. Those who traffic people strips their victims of their liberty and violates the right of freedom as proposed by the law.
According to reports made available, between 2002 and 2011 out of 1000 persons in the world, three were in forced labor. The notion that its only children and women involved is a lie. Men are also victims of this trafficking. The victims involved in this trafficking represent a wide range of background in terms of nationality, status, age, education and socioeconomic but one feature they do share is the form of vulnerability. In most cases, they are separated from their social networks and families. Human trafficking comprises of two categories and these are sex trafficking and labor trafficking.
Why human trafficking happens The trafficking of humans can be caused by a wide range of factors and this depends on the type of trafficking, region and cultural and social factors. So why or what has necessitated this situation.

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