Crime Control Model In Packers Criminal Justice System

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In Packers crime control model, the criminal justice system should focus on the prevention or reduction of crime as the aim, in the absence of this objective public regard for criminal law would decline. Much trust is therefore placed in the hands of police, accepting that mistakes will happen, the crime control model accepts that collateral damage is necessary for controlling crime. The presumption is that criminals, who are different from the rest of us, are the enemy and police officers are soldiers in a war on crime. Their role as these “soldiers” will lead to certain controversial decisions in how they apply force, their definition of duty and their use of deception and coercion. Assuming that the polices mission is to fight crime, leads to willingness to accept these certain definitions and justification of behaviour.
In the crime control model, Police powers should be expanded to make it easier to arrest, search, seize, investigate, and convict. The Criminal justice system should work like a conveyor belt for police, moving cases along smoothly towards their disposition because this model wants emphasise speed and finality. This tactic generates a fear of efficient prosecution and the punishment process in law breakers. Efficiency could be produced by establishing uniformity in the system by …show more content…

An obstacle course featuring a series of impediments that are in fact procedural safeguards that equally protect the factually innocent, and work to convict the factually guilty. The government shouldn’t hold a person guilty solely based on the facts. Individuals should be found guilty only if the government follows legal procedures in the fact-finding. The due process favours formal and adjudicatory findings, this is accomplished by public hearing, opportunity for the accused to discredit the case against them or the chance for further examination to avoid possible