Analysis Of Criminal Justice In Canada By Colin Goff

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In this section of the book in criminal justice in Canada, it explains the new acts that have been added in over the years. It explains how the security certificates was introduced in 1988 in the immigration act. This strengthened further after 9/11 attacks in 2002, it gave the opportunity to give authorities a more quicker and efficient way to remove non-citizen terrorist’s suspects from Canada without having to charge the accused through the criminal justice system. This chapter also goes into further detail on how the Immigration Act has changed throughout the years.

The author Colin Goff is professional and unbiased while providing the information. Goff presents the facts in an easy and understandable way which the reader can easily follow …show more content…

For example there has been an increase in immigration population and trends after World War 2 and will be more of an increase in the 21st century. This resource also explain how immigration has a large impact on the size of the active labor force, which could be a concern for demographers and economic forecasters as who will pay for future social programs. The author is fluent and articulate when presenting ideas and information throughout the text. The author also presents references when presenting facts and ideas to back up their concepts making this resource dependable. In addition, this resource can be deemed reliable as it was published in 2001 not as recent as other of my resources but still recent enough to still be used as a resource. The usefulness of this document is quite helpful as it compares the trends population from World War 2 to 2001 and predicting them towards the future. Although this resource is reliable, it does have limitations, as it is a biased opinion on some parts of the topic and it is not as recent as my other resources. Ultimately, this resource is dependable on the information given, and is a good resource for my