
Criminal Justice Personal Statement

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In order to achieve moral perfection, Benjamin Franklin created an elaborate plan to improve his character by honing in on thirteen virtues he determined were the most important. While reading through these virtues and their brief explanations, I thought about my own life and which one of these virtues I believe holds the greatest value. Ultimately, I decided that virtue number eight, Justice: “Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty,” was the most important to me (Franklin, 1771, pg. 65). Not only do we seek justice for ourselves when we feel we have been wronged, we often empathize with and promote justice for others who have been wronged. Justice can be defined in many different ways, however, I would break …show more content…

In particular, the criminal justice system is comprised of the laws, courts, and corrections that bring those who have done wrong to justice. A part of the reason why I chose this major is that I want to have a career where I can fight for justice for children. Around the world, there are many children at risk who need the help and protection of individuals who are willing to protect them and fight for justice. For a good portion of my life, I have understood that I cannot bear to sit idly knowing that there are millions of children out there who are suffering, therefore, I desire a career where I can be their voice and defend them. Overall, the virtue of justice is the most important to me because we cannot allow the wrongs done against others to go …show more content…

Given that I am an auditory learner, these lectures keep my attention and help supplement the textbook reading I do. Significantly, through this week’s lecture, I was able to better understand certain practices in colonial times that were mentioned in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. For instance, there is a section in the reading where Benjamin Franklin was to marry the daughter of the family he was boarding with, however, according to Franklin, he had one condition: “I let her

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