Crisis Definition Essay

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What is a crisis?

A crisis does not necessarily refer to a traumatic event or situation, but to an individual’s reaction to an event. One individual may be profoundly influenced by an event or situation, while another individual endures little or none. A crisis presents a trauma, threat, or obstacle, but it also opens the door for either growth or decline.

When we hear the word “crisis” we often link it with a sudden, unexpected disaster, such as a natural disaster, car accident, or any tragic event. However, a crisis can range substantially in severity and type. Sometimes a crisis can be viewed as a predictable part of our life cycle, like the crises described in Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychological Development. A crisis that is sudden …show more content…

I began to withdraw myself from society and seized in doing any school activities- I discontinued athletics, netball, art, gymnastics and music. One can say that my life fell apart. I was placed in a private school since I was unable to cope with big groups (this was never a problem before the divorce). For years I suffered with depression and anxiety. In grade eleven when I was seventeen, my psychologist advised me to go to a clinic- reason being that my emotional state was not improving. After a week in the clinic the psychiatrist diagnosed me with Bipolar 2 disorder. This created a feeling of hope that I might improve. I was on antidepressants for six years but now I had the chance to be treated with the proper medication. The process was anything but easy. After a year and numerous types of bipolar medication, we struck success. My emotional state improved which improved my life as a whole. During this time it also came to my attention that my father physically and verbally abused my mother. This was not the main reason for my parents’ divorce but I looked at the situation from a different perspective. If it was not for the divorce, who knows how long the abuse would have continued. Yes, the divorce had an enormous impact on me and my mother’s emotional state but on the long term it improved my mother’s life. I am twenty now and I still dislike my father for …show more content…

Firstly I experienced shock since I never expected my parents to divorce. I developed hate and anger towards my father whom I eventually rejected. It is natural for anger to develop into depression. It took a while to overcome this stage since my whole life was consumed by this unfortunate event. Eventually I reached a stage where I started blaming myself, I was very ill when I was a child which (in my head) seemed as a valid reason for divorce. When I experienced depression and anger problems my mother took me to a psychologist to guide me through the situation. They advised me adopt a hobby, socialize, keep a diary and just mainly surround myself with positive things. This is easier said than done and to be honest I never did any of those suggestions. Even though the therapy went on for years it never really helped since no one knew what was wrong with me. I knew that a crisis has to end with acceptance, but it always seemed out of reach. After the medication and the news of my father being abusive towards my mother, I experienced the “acceptance” phase. To be more precise, I experienced acceptance to a certain extend. I have not forgiven my father, I only accepted my