Critical Analysis Of Maslow's Theory Of Motivation

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1.2 Maslow theory of motivation critical analysis A few critiques assumed that it is gender orientation one-sided (Cullen and Gotell, 2002), while others have battled that it is applicable to the two genders (Coy and Kovacs-Long, 2005). Maslow (1970) expressed that our human senses are feeble to the point that they require assurance against culture, against learning and being overwhelmed by nature. In view of this Maslow is decisively in the camp of the nativists, who push the part of inherited impacts in human experience. As per (Sapir-Whorf 1956) assumption, the specific dialect we use to communicate decides the path in which we can consider about the world. At that point instructing our own particular dialect to our descendants has the impact to some extent, of setting their considerations in a scholarly point where they can imagine the world in their own particular form (Piattelli-Palmarini, 1980). As per Geller (1982, p. 72), Maslow theory infers that the burden of cultural standards is unessential and damaging of our remarkable potential as humans. Maslow inability to recognize the need to learn cultural standards may have originated different sources. Maslow may have expected that pluralistic social orders are the main reason for this one of a kind blend of need we each acquire. A final problem identified with Maslow 's nativist thesis is that it concerns values instead of logic, that we need to live with what we have provided by nature. Where behaviourists have