Critical Reflection On The Role Of Conflict Resolution In Health Care

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Final Critical Reflection Essay
Conflict is inherently inevitable in the health care setting where different disciplines work closely together. Unfortunately, Kvarnström (2008) claims that it is a cultural norm for interdisciplinary teams to not share knowledge and explanation on their roles and responsibilities, which is the common cause of conflict in the health care system. As a result, health care services become fragmented to clients and teams lack cohesiveness (Kvarnström, 2008). Furthermore, in a study conducted by Hartman and Crume (2014), approximately one-third of participants reported practicing negative conflict resolution styles and strategies that did not resolve conflicts that occurred. Thus, there is an identified need to teach health care providers strategies of conflict resolution and provide further educational opportunities. Fortunately, I was able to enroll in a conflict resolution elective to prepare myself for conflict in my future professional practice. The purposes of …show more content…

However, I learned from my lectures that these assumptions and biases have a greater impact on my conflict resolution style than I had anticipated. Conflict resolution style is individualized in relation to their perception and management of conflict (Hartman & Crume, 2014). I have learned that my own understanding of conflict and personal biases will ultimately affect the way I resolve conflict regardless of how objective I want to be when resolving conflict. Although, my comprehension of conflict resolution was quite basic, nursing school taught me how to practice self-awareness, open communication and effective communication skills, reflective learning, demonstrating empathy, and team collaboration. These skills allowed me to collaborate effectively within my interdisciplinary