Cultural Bias

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Group of People Subject to Bias Introduction Objectivity, integrity is the central ethical practices that are emphasized all over the World. Contemporary Working environments are quite populous. During interaction of different people in the environment, the interaction is not only at the personal or professional level; it even operates at the cultural level. At times, there is conflict. Classical theorists demonstrate that Conflict breeds during the working environments or in our social circles as it a normal and natural phenomenon. However, at times, Specific individual or a group or communal segment is a subject of a bias from the other individual or a group or a communal segment. The bias may be supported by the rational arguments or not, …show more content…

Campinha Bacote explains five discrete aspects of the cultural competence. They are enumerated as follows: 1) Cultural awareness which is primarily the self examination procedure if one has inherent bias. 2) Cultural Knowledge is the step where one indulges oneself in the acquisition of the applied knowledge of diversity in relation to the Cultural perspectives. 3) Cultural Skills where one happens to conduct the assessment for citing the cultural picture pertaining to the client’s issue. 4) Cultural encounters is the interpersonal interaction stage and here cultural interaction-cum-exchange takes place. 5) Cultural desire is the continuous motivation to lead oneself to be cultural competent. All of these aspects are integral to understanding of the cultural issues and eventual creation of the cultural competence. It is a conscious developed model that aims at promoting the competence to provide health care services within the realms and the contexts of the cultural …show more content…

Cultural Knowledge is to equip oneself with the diverse cultural backgrounds and the related issues. Cultural skill is the ability to conduct the acute assessment of the cultural contexts and the subsequent acquisition of the cultural data. Cultural Encounters is the stage where the Professional interacts with the subject coupled with the cultural dynamic exchange. Cultural skill is the effort that the Professional put in to become more effective with the cultural implications and is central in providing the very basis for becoming effective at the stage referred to as the Cultural Competence. Specific Strategies in relation to each aspect to help me in caring for the People that are subject of the Bias Dr. Campinha Bacote model is quite effective in containing the risks that evolve out of the Biasness toward a certain Group of People. In compatible with the Model, I would like to make myself cognizant of the diverse cultural issues and to ignore the stereotypical perceptions. The knowledge of the mechanisms and dynamics underlying the behavior of the particular group would help abridge the gap between the societal segments. Participation in the interactions that specifically targets and brings closer different culturally charged segments will help mitigate the risks and hiccups that are reposed in the