Cultural Competence In Education

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To be culturally competent is to respect multiple cultural ways of knowing, seeing and living, to celebrate the benefits of diversity and to have an ability to understand and honour difference (DEEWR, 2009, p. 16).
To me cultural competency is having the ability to be aware of, mindful, understanding and respectful of the vast and rich range of culture around me and within the settings in which I educate. Cultural competence is also much more that just being aware of the diversity around us, it is about being open-minded and incorporating culture, difference and diversity into the curriculums in which we develop, and celebrating these differences with others.
Cultural competence aims to bring different cultures together in interactions which build positive relationships and attitudes about the differences that set each culture apart, and to honour and celebrate the diversity among ourselves. …show more content…

Cultural competency enriches people to be strong, confident, open-minded and to embrace opportunity and differences.
The Educators Guide to the EYLF (DEEWR 2010, p, 23) states that cultural competence in early childhood settings is important if we are to make a difference in the lives of children and families and ensure that our children are growing up to be proud and confident