
Cultural Differences In Little Bee

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There are billions of people in this world, many of them coming from different cultures and beliefs. The different cultures and beliefs ultimately create relationships because of the commonalities and differences that create bonds between people. Though, many people find it difficult to accept these differences and create the relationships humans are bound to have. Whether it is a lack of trust or the inability to accept the other for their different values and backgrounds, people most often are able to form relationships with one another despite cultural differences. This idea is brought about in the novel Little Bee by Chris Cleave and multiple real-life scenarios. Individuals are able to form bonds despite cultural differences due to the …show more content…

She doesn’t understand the music playing in the mercenaries jeeps, but she has heard it many times before because her sister likes it. They were killing her family and friends but still listening to the same music as her sister and the people in the detention center where she would later be held after escaping. She tells this story to Sarah, a woman from Britain whom she is taking refuge in her house. She states, “ Everyone in my country, maybe. Wouldn’t that be funny, if the oil rebels were playing U2 in their jungle camps, and the government soldiers were playing U2 in their trucks. I think everyone was killing everyone else and listening to the same music. Do you know what? The first week I was in the detention center, U2 were the number one here too. That is a good trick about this world, Sarah. No one likes each other, but everyone likes U2.” (Cleave 134) Little Bee is completely different than the British and has different values due to her different culture. Though, that does not stop her from forming a bond with Sarah. Music allows people to form bonds despite their cultural differences because it is something …show more content…

In the novel Little Bee, a young African girl named Little Bee travels to Britain illegally in hopes to find this man and women who saved her life on the beach when her family was being killed by mercenaries. She arrives at the house to find the man dead and the women uneasy to take her in. Little Bee’s biggest wish is to be accepted into this family, and eventually gains the mother, Sarah’s, trust and love as well as the son, Charlie’s. Little Bee says, “But while I am here I will be like your daughter. I will love you as if you were my mother and I will love Charlie as if he was my brother.” (Cleave 148) Little Bee does not know anything about this family at the time, and her love pushes her to accept them regardless. Love has the ability to force people to do unexpected things and connect people because it has a natural power throughout the world. It can bring help, sadness, and many other emotions to all people no matter how different they may be, which makes it powerful enough to impact people of all cultures. Since love effects all people it is a commonality that brings diverse people together and allows them to form relationships. CNN also describes a similar idea of how love connects people. They say it is a common misconception for people to believe that love is only with chosen, specific, people. The article states, “In reality, you can experience micro-moments

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