Olympia Brass Band Analysis

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In discussions of musicians and their influence on social structures, we primarily dissect the interactions between artists and listeners, producer and consumer. However, there is something worth noting about the interactions between musicians, particularly within bands, within wider communities. As Sakakeeny notes in his writing, the power of a band within a community as a symbol of unity, whether bound within physical geography or not, is just as palpable as the power of the band leader to inspire those around them.

Communities undoubtedly form around bands, whether jazz or rock, but the union between bandmates is unique. There comes to be a sense of unity, chemistry, both musically and personally. It’s a necessity to play well and successfully, at least in the long run. As such, playing in a band is a communal activity. Duke Dejan’s Olympia Brass Band was comprised of talented musicians who collaborated in an effort to ground themselves in New Orleans, who ultimately became part of something greater …show more content…

Its fascinating how a joyful parade can suddenly be made sullen, as if the power of a band over its listeners knows no bounds. I have never witnessed a funeral march, but I can only imagine it to be harrowing experience.

New Orleans is not the only city to be historically attached to a particular band--somehow, The E Street Band is so much the epitome of New Jersey that it’s named after a physical strip--but it is a city with a unique set of cultural traditions reminiscent of the jazz era. While its structures may not be ideal residents, which is in itself an understatement, the music of the city is passionate and a collective experience in the best and worst of times still today. Music and its icons, from Duke to Armstron, weather the storm, even after