Cultural Diversity In Australia

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Culture: there are many cultures within our country that we have to acknowledge and respect so we can grow and learn from all of the differences they have to offer. Some of the differences are the different languages spoken within Australia, the different religions within Australia, the different foods within Australia. There are many different cultures in Australia from Australian people to welsh Australians and all these different cultures have their own beliefs and religion so we as Australians have to be mindful of these different cultures not just in the workplace but also in the community aswell.

Cultural diversity: cultural diversity is commonly interpreted in relation to ethnicity, however the term should be understood within a broader context where it recognises the unique attributes of all persons.
It is important to acknowledge the various elements of Australian cultures, including indigenous Australian people’s cultures, when understanding cultural diversity.
Often “cultural diversity” is considered only in the context of people from other countries outside Australia.
- however there can be many factors to understand such as:
• Cultural differences within our country
• Different languages spoken in Australia
• New immigrants arriving in Australia from other countries …show more content…

Demonstrating cultural awareness in the workplace through our verbal and non verbal communication strategies this can be within some culures it can be seen as disrespectful to put your hand out to shake theirs when you meet someone, some cultures may find greetings with a bow or a nod of the head more