Cupertino Middle School Research Paper

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School Bus- Life or Death?
The final bell rings at Cupertino Middle School, and students eagerly race out of their classrooms. Cars honk as students rush through the parking lot, attempting to catch up to the bus. The bus tires screech, as it comes to a halt in front of the school. Students run into the street and race up to the doors of the bus, wanting to get on as quickly as possible. They push and shove trying to get to the front, as the bus doors open. The bus driver’s voice cuts through all of the other noise, as he desperately screams, “FORM A LINE!” The students ignore him, and they continue pushing through the doors like a bunch of wild animals. “GET BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE!” he shouts, as he continues to be ignored. The students kept shoving through the doors, until they were all eventually on the bus. Once on the bus, the sound of students yelling and arguing is deafening. Students dangerously hang their arms and their heads out of the windows on the bus, screaming to their friends on the sidewalk. …show more content…

Students race to get onto the bus on a daily basis. It is extremely dangerous for over 50 people to try to shove through the small doors, many people trip, fall, and get squished between people. One student spoke out about her experience on the bus. “The bus had come late, so everyone was very anxious to get onto the bus. It was a huge crowd of people all trying to get to one place. When people started to move towards the door, people were pushing so much, and so hard that my feet got stuck behind the curb, while my body kept moving forward. I ended up falling onto the stairs, and I had a hard time walking for the next week.” It should not be that difficult to load 50 students onto a bus, and it should definitely should not be a place where people get