Custom Resources For Political Science-California Government And Politics

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According to Choices: Custom Resources for Political Science-California Government and Politics Today, written by Gregory Scott, a democracy is a “Government by the people, both directly or indirectly, with free and frequent elections.”1 Democracy is a unique thing for the reason that it necessarily focus or just take into consideration what the elitist of the country have to say but also the small factions and other groups that make up the state. Although there are some differences in the subcategories that describe the word “democracy”, the terms still reflect the purpose of having a territory that is free in which the citizens live in. This is very hard in some cases because of the religious and moral differences that a region can have. …show more content…

The country of Nigeria has been a state since 1960, gaining its independence from Britain and later on becoming a Republic three years later. Their governing system has advanced despite being such a young, independent nation. They have established their own national, state, and local government. However, they have some flaws when it comes to choose who is representing them. They base their recruitments on based on the leaders ethnicity and region instead of who is best suited to represent the people.4 This causes chaos between the government and the people that is under the government control. With the government and the people not working together this is much of the reason for the poorer economy within Nigeria with comparison to other countries with the size and population. This is hazardous for the inadequacy of having a person rule an already economically declined country that doesn’t know much about the political aspect of the entire country and this could lead to more corruption and turmoil within the …show more content…

The national, provincial and local levels of government all have legislative and executive authority in their own spheres, and are defined in the Constitution as "distinctive, interdependent and interrelated". The government consist not only of the executive, judicial, and legislative but also consist of government clusters, Clusters were established to foster an integrated approach to governance that is aimed at improving government's planning, decision-making and service delivery; the main objective is to ensure proper coordination of all government programmes at national and provincial levels, Infrastructure Development Cluster, and other parts to their government.6 This amount of people in office makes it much easier for people to be able to communication with the government on internal affairs within the country while also helping the government inform the people as well. With the government running smoothly and no bias in internet, other than personal opinions, the country has time to focus on other matters. These other matters are to make the country a more easier place to live such as fixing the energy shortages in the

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