Cyberbullying And The Vermont Suicide Prevention Act

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In 2003, Ryan committed suicide. The reason he felt compelled to do this was because of cyberbullying. Anyone with access to the internet can cyberbully another person. The person being bullied doesn’t need to know who the person is or where they are from. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt them. Self-confidence and self-worth is crushed when someone reads these things about themselves. Cyberbullying needs to stop.

Ryan had been messaging a girl on the internet. He was feeling accomplished that he had struck a friendship with such a popular girl. Later on he discovered that the girl and some of her companions were deceiving him into believing that she liked him. By this time he had already shared many personal stories with her. These girls shared his stories on the internet. He was mortified. Ryan already had problems to deal with. This incident brought him over the edge. He hung himself in his room on October 7, 2003. This is one of those stories where people stop and think to themselves “what compelled these girls to do such cruel deeds?” There have been too many incidents of people who were bullied online and then committed suicide. They may believe that they are worthless . This is tragic. This is …show more content…

The Vermont Bully Prevention Act was passed in 2004. The Vermont Suicide Prevention Act was passed in 2006. These are to prevent cyberbullying from occurring. There have been many laws passed to terminate these kinds of abusive behavior. Cyberbullying is an unethical and immoral action. Some people may argue that the first amendment gives everyone the freedom of speech. What people don’t understand is that they have to be considerate of the rights of other people or else they can’t say it. If one takes away the right of another person they lose their right. Everyone has the right to happiness and this certainly doesn’t promote happiness. The internet can be used for good. Why would we use it for something so pointless and